Lí-Lí Octave – Glory
“The real connoisseurs of creativity are -lí -l axtave- and it will be clear that the work of the highest quality, a real diamond in the world of Afrobeats music. Great work with rhythm sections, Waib Melody and unsurpassed vocals. (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)”
“Настоящим ценителям творчества -Lí-Lí Octave- и так будет ясно, что пред ними работа высочайшего качества, настоящий бриллиант в мире Afrobeats музыки. Великолепная работа с ритм-секцией, вайбовая мелодия и непревзойдённый вокал.”
"This song is a confidence anthem, an address to everyone, lest we forget our greatness, that we should wake and let the world bask in our Glory- a glory that comes from within. Our beauty and strength rooted in our truth, should shine and bless others. It is not to be hidden nor second-guessed. Beauty, strength and power is what we had in mind when I wrote this song with my daughter, Mimi Octave."
~Lí-Lí Octave
Reviewed by Nagamag on May 18, 2022