LOUNGETUNES – Morning Coffee (Video)
“Just imagine; outside the window at sunset the hot asphalt cools down, lonely lanterns are lit and the clouds are painted in purple colors. Tired city streets are covered with advancing shadows, and the melodies of your favorite jazzhop and chillbeats are heard from the speakers.”
“Вы только представьте; за окном на закате остывает раскалённый асфальт, зажигаются одинокие фонари и облака раскрашиваются в пурпурные цвета. Уставшие улицы городов застилают наступающие тени, а из колонок доносятся мелодии любимого jazzhop и chillbeats.”
A rainy morning somewhere but a good day with a cup of coffee and finally the sun shows up :-) This is my coffee homage – couldn’t live without music and coffee
Munich-based songwriter/producer Frieder Mollat started his music career in the mid 90’s following his passion for music.
Graduating from college as a musicologist in 1995 he joined the music industry working a few years for labels like Warner Music Germany.
Over the years he has been writing music for several projects signing a publishing deal with Universal Music Publishing Germany in 2001.
LOUNGETUNES is his brandnew project after his 2017 debut as a solo-artist with the launch of his KLANGPLANET project.
Reviewed by Nagamag on February 21, 2021