MagicJar – Silent

“Εκπληκτική και ατμοσφαιρική μελωδία που ξυπνά τις αισθήσεις και τις μεταφέρει σε άλλη διάσταση. Το μυαλό ταξιδεύει σε κόσμους φανταστικούς και πρωτόγνωρους. Τα αισθησιακά και πληθωρικά φωνητικά μοιράζουν άφθονα τα φορτισμένα συναισθήματα τους. Ο ρυθμός μας ξεσηκώνει και νιώθουμε να απελευθερωνόμαστε.”
“Amazing and atmospheric melody that awakens the senses and transfers them to another dimension. The mind travels to fantastic and unprecedented worlds. Sensual and exuberant vocals are abundantly sharing their charged feelings. Our rhythm rises and we feel like being liberated.” *
“Amazing and atmospheric melody that awakens the senses and transfers them to another dimension. The mind travels to fantastic and unprecedented worlds. Sensual and exuberant vocals are abundantly sharing their charged feelings. Our rhythm rises and we feel like being liberated.” *
Song Sources for “MagicJar – Silent”:
Reviewed by Nagamag on March 3, 2023