Marcus M-Positive Parker – I Choose Happy (Spotify)

“Have you ever thought about how often you are happy? -Marcus M-Positive Parker- and his new single -I Choose Happy- will certainly remind you this clear rule; rather than any external circumstances, someone can be unhappy only because of his thoughts. By controlling his thoughts, he achieves his happiness.”

“Задумывались ли вы о том, как часто вы бываете счастливы? -Marcus M-Positive Parker- и его новый сингл -I Choose Happy- непременно напомнит вам о незыблемом правиле; несчастным человека делают только его мысли, а не внешние обстоятельства. Управляя своими мыслями, он управляет своим счастьем.”

This song is about choosing to be happy, no matter what obstacles come in your way. It is a motivational rap song, and has an international appeal.

Reviewed by Nagamag on March 11, 2021