Marius Billgobenson – Alongside My Way (Spotify)

“So quiet and good at heart, waves of pleasure caress your ear and you realize that you are not alone, but a beautiful melody of jazz is pouring all around you. Listening to the lyrics of the song, you understand the meaning of everything the author is singing about, and you fully live these charming four minutes with him.”

“Так тихо и хорошо на душе, волны удовольствия ласкают слух и ты осознаёшь, что ты не один, а повсюду вокруг тебя льётся красивая мелодия джаза. Вслушиваясь в текст песни понимаешь смысл всего, о чём поёт автор и полностью проживаешь вместе с ним эти очаровательные четыре минуты.”

Stockholm, Sweden-based singer, songwriter and guitarist Marius Billgobenson’s seeks to spread unity, compassion, understanding, hope and love in latest album offering ‘The Spirit Love’ - A refreshing, soul-stirring eleven song infusion of jazz, blues, pop, R&B and afro-beat that captures dynamic rhythms and vocal sounds indigenous to his homeland of the Congo. Whilst bending and blending the lines between genres, the globally conscious album also serves to empower and support his work as a compassionate and concerned citizen of the world, and strives to bridge the gap between deep-rooted cultural divides

Speaking on the album, Marius explains “The Spirit Love is all about the way we experience the feeling of being alive, being ourselves and offering our unique gifts to others. We remember the life source of energy in The Spirit Love, because you exist just as a consequence of love. All of the positive impact you have had in loving and strengthening your loved ones may reveal memories that make you feel strong and happy.”

The album comprises eleven eclectic and deeply personal tracks that are grounded in his own words “in the completeness of gratitude in my heart”, whilst exploring love in it’s many different facets, with the goal of inviting and motivating more “Love Spreaders” for change.

Having written the most part of the album himself, Marius also called upon the musical talent of guitarist and hitmaker Paul Brown to produce both leading single “Joy” and “Wait and See,” as well as employing the production prowess of urban jazz chart topper Chris ‘Big Dog’ Davis across 6 other tracks.

Reviewed by Nagamag on October 30, 2021