Mason Stephenson – Nuits Solitaires (Spotify)

“What do we think about on such long and lonely nights, when the colors outside the windows thicken, the meadows and fields are covered with black haze, and the stone blocks of houses are surrounded by an impenetrable veil of fog. Mason Stephenson please us with his wonderful neoclassical performance on his new single, Nuits Solitaires.”

“О чём мы думаем такими долгими и одинокими ночами, когда краски за окнами сгущаются, луга и поля застилает чёрная мгла, а каменные глыбы домов окружает непроглядная пелена тумана.”

This is my second release to date from Mason Stephenson which focuses on a melancholic feel

Reviewed by Nagamag on December 24, 2020