Matt Bury – Lonely

“Τα πληγωμένα συναισθήματα κάνουν αυτή την μελωδία να είναι τόσο παθιασμένη και αληθινή. Τα φωνητικά με την υπέροχη χροιά τους ξορκίζουν μέσα από την ζωντάνια τους όσα έχουν συμβεί και εύχονται να απαλλαγούν από την θλιβερή μοναξιά τους. Ο έντονος ρυθμός ξεσπά για να φέρει την ανατροπή και όλα να γίνουν όπως ήταν πριν.”
“The wounded emotions make this melody be so passionate and true. The vocals with their wonderful complexion exorcise through their vivacity what has happened and wish to get rid of their sad loneliness. The intense pace breaks out to bring the overthrow and everything to become as it was before.” *
“The wounded emotions make this melody be so passionate and true. The vocals with their wonderful complexion exorcise through their vivacity what has happened and wish to get rid of their sad loneliness. The intense pace breaks out to bring the overthrow and everything to become as it was before.” *
The song “Matt Bury – Lonely” is released by Matt Bury Records
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Reviewed by Nagamag on February 25, 2023