Matt Foster – Billy

“Easy, pleasant acoustic folk music, which like the wind flies into your soul, filling it with the smell of fresh foliage, with a mountain cool and warm with its warm breath at a red -hot fire. Music -matt Foster - capable of making miracles and your favorite fairy tale will become a reality for you.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Лёгкая, приятная акустическая Folk музыка, которая словно ветер залетает в вашу душу, наполняя её запахом свежей листвы, горной прохладой и согреет своим тёплым дыханием у раскалённого костра. Музыка -Matt Foster- способна сотворить чудеса и любимая сказка станет для вас реальностью.”

Never quite what you’d expect, Matt Foster is truly unplaceable. Matt moves the room, stirring something in the crowd, without drawing any attention. The music grinds, pops and surprises. At turns soft and lilting, at turns careening out of lane.

Each song is a snapshot, a short scene in a novel. A glimpse in on a moment, or a feeling, a character. Each song is a spell ready to draw magic out, around, and up close. Matt is deliberate and takes great care carving out the shape and contours of a thing, be it song, performance, or conversation, but invites you in yourself, to feel around, to find the lightswitch maybe. The words call you back for second listens.

Queer love. Love in cars and fields! Dying somewhere you’d want to die.

Listening and hearing a lover and seeing them truly.

The end of frustration! Saying it out loud. Pissing in the wind. NBD.

Reviewed by Nagamag on September 26, 2022