Mattie Leon – Michigan

Mattie Leon – Michigan

“Απαλή μελωδία με λεπτότητα και διακριτικά αγγίγματα που μας αναζωογονούν. Ευχάριστος και ζωντανός ρυθμός που μας μεταφέρει από την θλίψη στη χαρά και μας δίνει ελπίδα πως όλα θα αλλάξουν. Τα φωνητικά με ζεστασιά και σιγουριά μας αγκαλιάζουν και μεταμορφώνουν μια δύσκολη μέρα σε μια χαλαρή βόλτα στη λιακάδα.”

“Soft melody with subtlety and discreet touches that rejuvenate us. Pleasant and vibrant pace that takes us from sadness to joy and gives us hope that everything will change. The vocals with warmth and confidence embrace and transform a difficult day into a relaxed stroll in the sunshine.” *

“Soft melody with subtlety and discreet touches that rejuvenate us. Pleasant and vibrant pace that takes us from sadness to joy and gives us hope that everything will change. The vocals with warmth and confidence embrace and transform a difficult day into a relaxed stroll in the sunshine.” *

The song “Mattie Leon – Michigan” is released by Castlemore Records

Song Sources for “Mattie Leon – Michigan”:
Apple Music:

Find Mattie Leon on Socials:

Website of Mattie Leon:

Reviewed by Nagamag on February 27, 2023

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