Maudlin Strangers – I’m Not In The Right Mind | Rock music review

“Меланхоличные гитарные аккорды, подкрепленные солидной ритм-секцией, создают динамичное и фактурное звучание. Темп трека словно двигает песню вперед, придавая ей захватывающую энергию! Благодаря мощным и мелодичным вокальным партиям песня сама по себе словно становится своеобразным гимном. Способность -Maudlin Strangers- создавать эмоциональную связь со своей аудиторией заслуживает похвалы!”
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“Melancholy guitar chords, backed up by a solid rhythm-section, create dynamic and textured sound. The pace of the track seems to move the song forward, giving it exciting energy! Thanks to the powerful and melodic vocal parties, the song itself seems to become a kind of anthem. The ability -maudlin strangers- to create an emotional connection with its audience deserves praise!”
“Οι χορδές κιθάρας μελαγχολίας, υποστηριζόμενες από ένα στερεό τμήμα ρυθμού, δημιουργούν δυναμικό και υφή ήχο. Ο ρυθμός της διαδρομής φαίνεται να μετακινεί το τραγούδι προς τα εμπρός, δίνοντάς του συναρπαστική ενέργεια! Χάρη στα ισχυρά και μελωδικά φωνητικά κόμματα, το ίδιο το τραγούδι φαίνεται να γίνεται ένα είδος ύμνου. Η ικανότητα -Maudlin Strangers – να δημιουργήσει μια συναισθηματική σχέση με το κοινό του αξίζει τον έπαινο!”
The original review of “Maudlin Strangers – I’m Not In The Right Mind” is written in the native language that is spoken by the dedicated, for this song, Nagamag’s Rock reviewer and followed by two translations*, of which the one depends from the country of origin of the artist “Maudlin Strangers” (United States) and the other one is translated to a different language than original review and the country of origin of the artist.
* Automatically Translated
Nagamag discovered a musical masterpiece entitled “I’m Not In The Right Mind” crafted by the gifted artist of “Maudlin Strangers”. This Rock composition, has resonated deeply with our curators as they embarked on an immersive listening journey with “Maudlin Strangers – I’m Not In The Right Mind”. The song as well offers an intriguing exploration of Pop Rock, Indie Rock, Alternative Rock music. Nagamag, as an international music magazine, is pleased to share with you this music review, lovingly written by one of our experienced reviewers of Rock compositions. A successful result of our mission to continually discover and review captivating Rock songs from all corners of the globe, to the global audience of Rock music enthusiasts!
Lyrics of Maudlin Strangers – I’m Not In The Right Mind
I don’t wanna care right now
I just wanna fade out
I’m stuck inside a thought so loud
And I can’t get out
Why does it feel so good?
Way better than it should
I never realized I made my escape in any way I could
I’m not in the right mind
I’ve been in denial all this time
I’m not in the right mind to decide
where I go in life
I’m just trying to get by in ways that I like
But I’m tired of trying
Take when I see it, shake when I need it
The same day is playing out
Hey, why dont we go play with my ego?
I’ll take the easy way out
I’m just so comfortable in here
It keeps me smiling ear to ear
I’m not in the right mind
I’ve been in denial all this time
I’m not in the right mind to decide
where I go in life
I’m just trying to get by in ways that I like
But I’m tired of trying
What is life?
Who am I?
What is this dark hanging cloud above me?
Watching my life flash in front of me like
Late night benders and arms around my friends
Warm inside our beds
Dreaming about whatever is stuck in the back of our heads
Am I alive or am I already dead?
I’m not in the right mind to decide
where I go in life
I’m just trying to get by in ways that I like
But I’m tired of trying
Additional information/sources for Maudlin Strangers – I’m Not In The Right Mind
The song “Maudlin Strangers – I’m Not In The Right Mind” is released by HELLBENT
Song Sources for “Maudlin Strangers – I’m Not In The Right Mind”:
Apple Music:
Rock home page where “Maudlin Strangers – I’m Not In The Right Mind” is hosted on Nagamag Music Magazine
Nagamag takes pride in supporting Rock artists like “Maudlin Strangers”, providing music reviews and music discoveries like “I’m Not In The Right Mind”.
This music post about song “I’m Not In The Right Mind” by “Maudlin Strangers” is hosted in Rock page on Nagamag.
There you can find similar Rock artists to “Maudlin Strangers” and more Rock, Pop Rock, Indie Rock, Alternative Rock songs like “I’m Not In The Right Mind” that have been carefully selected by Nagamag’s Rock experienced curators and reviewed by Nagamag’s Rock dedicated reviewers.
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Reviewed by Nagamag on December 5, 2023