Maya Malkin – Goodbye

Maya Malkin – Goodbye

“Τα φωνητικά με ευαισθησία εκφράζουν τα συναισθήματα μας και με γλυκύτητα διώχνουν την θλίψη μακριά. Η μελωδία σαν ένα απαλό χάδι μας χαδεύει τα μαλλιά και μας αγκαλιάζει στοργικά. Ο ρυθμός άλλοτε αργός και άλλοτε πιο έντονος μας ξεσηκώνει να σκεφτούμε όσα έχουν γίνει και να αναλογιστούμε αν κάποιες φορες χρειάζεται να πούμε αντίο.”

“Sensitivity vocals express our emotions and with sweetness drive away sadness away. The melody as a gentle caress haunts our hair and embraces us affectionately. The rhythm sometimes slow and at times more intense raises us to think about what has been done and to think if some times we need to say goodbye.” *

“Sensitivity vocals express our emotions and with sweetness drive away sadness away. The melody as a gentle caress haunts our hair and embraces us affectionately. The rhythm sometimes slow and at times more intense raises us to think about what has been done and to think if some times we need to say goodbye.” *

Song Sources for “Maya Malkin – Goodbye”:

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Website of Maya Malkin:

Reviewed by Nagamag on February 27, 2023

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