Miles Apart – Schartel

Miles Apart – Schartel

“Голос солиста – это воистину инструмент виртуоза, то срывающийся на надрывный крик, то переходящий в соблазнительный шепот. Он ведет слушателя за собой, заставляя сердце биться в унисон с ритмом композиции, а воображение рисовать яркие образы страсти, отчаяния и жажды жизни. -Schartel- создали настоящий Pop Rock шедевр, способный зажечь сердца слушателей по всему миру!”

Lyrics of Schartel – Miles Apart

Take me back to level 1
When everything was easy
I don’t wanna complain about what we are
But it used to be so easy

And it’s getting harder
Getting so much harder
It’s getting hard to stay

But I’m getting stronger
Oh, I’m feeling stronger
Strong enough to walk away

I wanna be miles apart
Though I don’t know where I’m going
Miles apart from you

I wanna be miles apart
Though I don’t know where I’m going
Miles apart from you

Feels like there is no way out
But I just wanna carry on
I’m sick of being stuck behind the greatest wall
Condemned for way too long

And it’s getting harder
Getting so much harder
It’s getting hard to stay

But I’m getting stronger
Oh, I’m feeling stronger
Strong enough to walk away

I wanna be miles apart
Though I don’t know where I’m going
Miles apart from you

I wanna be miles apart
Though I don’t know where I’m going
Miles apart from you
Miles apart from you

There’s no way you’d ever reach me
There’s no way you can
And no way you’d ever catch me
There’s no way for you

I wanna be miles apart from you
I wanna be miles apart from you

Additional information/sources for Schartel – Miles Apart

The song “Schartel – Miles Apart” is released by Schartelmusic

Song Sources for “Schartel – Miles Apart”:

* Automatically Translated

Reviewed by Nagamag on September 22, 2024

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