Moozy – Minnesota Seems Nice

Moozy – Minnesota Seems Nice

“Ο ρυθμός μας παρασύρει κατευθείαν και αρχίζουμε να συντονιζόμαστε μαζί του. Τα φωνητικά αισθαντικά και επίμονα εκφράζουν με επιτυχία τα συναισθήματα μας. Η έκρηξη τους απελευθερώνει τις καταπιεσμένες σκέψεις μας και γινόμαστε πιο ειλικρινείς με τον εαυτό μας. Η ροκ μελωδία με την ένταση της διαγράφει τους δισταγμούς και τις αναστολές.”

“Our rhythm drags directly and we begin to tune in with it. The vocal and persistently express our emotions successfully. Their explosion releases our oppressed thoughts and we become more honest with ourselves. The rock melody with its intensity erases the hesitations and suspensions.” *

“Our rhythm drags directly and we begin to tune in with it. The vocal and persistently express our emotions successfully. Their explosion releases our oppressed thoughts and we become more honest with ourselves. The rock melody with its intensity erases the hesitations and suspensions.” *

The song “Moozy – Minnesota Seems Nice” is released by Rockwell Recording Company

Song Sources for “Moozy – Minnesota Seems Nice”:
Apple Music:

Find Moozy on Socials:

Reviewed by Nagamag on February 26, 2023

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