MOREA – Set Me Free

“Free yourself from the idea that you do not have time for music and that your life priorities have changed your course. Give only a few minutes of your attention to this tube composition, the melody in which literally is breathing. The stunning atmosphere of Indie R&B and Jazz music and soft, such sweet vocals -morea-.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Освободите себя от мысли, что у вас нет времени на музыку и что ваши жизненные приоритеты изменили свой курс. Уделите всего несколько минут своего внимания на эту ламповую композицию, мелодия в которой в буквальном смысле — дышит. Потрясающая атмосфера Indie R&B и Jazz музыки и мягкого, такого сладкого вокала -MOREA-.”

“Set Me Free” is a tranquil and soothing song about longing for freedom and release and gaining strength and independence back after a difficult relationship. The music is minimalistic, with some jazzy, R&B undertones and MOREA’s lyrics are colourful and reminiscent of dreamlike sunsets.

Reviewed by Nagamag on July 13, 2022