nasmore – Safe in my Dreams (reborn)
“Jewelry work with vocals, an unusually thin and delicate composition that captivates with its sweet sound. A magnificent song, with a melancholy and at the same time warm atmosphere, which inspires hope and faith in the soul.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)
“Ювелирная работа с вокалом, необычайно тонкая и нежная композиция, которая очаровывает своим сладким звучанием. Великолепная песня, с меланхоличной и одновременно тёплой атмосферой, которая вселяет в душу надежду и веру.”
Hauntingly beautiful and a bit surreal, the single draws the listener into an icy world of loneliness broken only by the dreams of what could have been but never will be. Led by the sensationally soulful sound of featured guest-star/singer Maltesse’s vocals, they breathe life into the wisps of memories from nasmore’s past and brings every syllable to life with the remarkable depth of her tone, range, and technique. To amplify these feelings even more, the song comes with a Story - a song's length audiobook that immediately draws listener attention and help them dive into the whole world of feelings.
Reviewed by Nagamag on June 30, 2022