Olexandr Ignatov – Arrival (Spotify)

“The Synthwave music style is unique, because it acts as a time machine and sends its listeners into their own unique universe. The sound in -Arrival- is saturated with lamp analog synthesizers, light rhythm and excellent dynamics.”

“Жанр Synthwave уникален тем, что он действует как Машина Времени и отправляет своего слушателя в свою, уникальную вселенную. Звук в -Arrival- насыщен ламповыми аналоговыми синтезаторами, лёгким ритмом и прекрасной динамикой.”



Born and raised in Lviv, Ukraine. Started playing piano at an early age, Olexandr quickly adopted the love for music and everything connected to it. Years later - and unlike most artists that work in one specific genre, Olexandr finds himself comfortable in many, dominant of which are inspiring piano music, epic and powerful epic orchestral compositions, heavy-hitting rock and metal pieces, ambient, and a little bit of electronic music too. So there is a high chance you might find something you like by listening to Olexandr’s discography.

The biggest reward for him as a composer is changing people’s lives for the better through music. So fasten your seatbelts and prepare to embark on a journey!

Reviewed by Nagamag on August 20, 2021