Oxiroma – Alone with the Pianist
“Put all your affairs for a pause, let your life stop at least for a moment and enjoy the work of this piano work. There is no place of bustle, only a beautiful melody and the maximum atmosphere of immersion in this fabulous world of music. (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)”
“Поставьте все свои дела на паузу, пусть ваша жизнь остановится хотя бы на мгновение и насладитесь творчеством этого фортепианного произведения. Здесь нет места суете, только красивая мелодия и максимальная атмосфера погружения в этот сказочный мир Музыки.”
"Alone with the pianist" - this is the solo piano version. In June there will be a release with a full live string group, where the main melody will be performed by a live soloist on the cello. It will be called "Alone with the cellist".
Reviewed by Nagamag on June 5, 2022