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  • Dont Let the Smile Fool Ya - Rebel Rae, Pop music genre, Nagamag Magazine

Dont Let the Smile Fool Ya – Rebel Rae

March 2nd, 2025|Audio, Pop, Song, Spotify, The Latest|

“Ωραίος ζωηρός ρυθμός που σε ξεσηκώνει από την πρώτη στιγμή και βάζει φωτιά στην διάθεση σου. Τα πληθωρικά και παθιασμένα φωνητικά είναι πραγματική απόλαυση να τα ακούς. Με την ιδιαίτερη χροιά τους και την ζωντάνια τους δημιουργούν μια υπέροχη διασκεδαστική ατμόσφαιρα. Η δυναμική και αισιόδοξη μελωδία σου μεταφέρει τη χαρά της με επιτυχία.”

Lyrics of Rebel Rae – Dont Let the Smile Fool Ya


Walked in
Low key mischievous
Straight up scheming
Which ones the easiest

My charm has got you hood winked
Oh no im not what you think
With no warning im out the door
Onto the next pretty thing

Dont let the smile
Dont let the smile
Dont let the smile fool ya ya ya

Dont let the smile
Dont let the smile
Dont let the smile fool ya ya ya

Ill rig the game in the blink of an eye
Ill crack the code like a thief in the night
Dont let the smile
Dont let the smile
Dont let the smile fool ya ya ya

Smoke and mirrors
My heart is hard to find
Knives out
No doubt
Ill leave you high and dry
So fast watch the slight hand
By the balls I got the con man

Better tell your friends
That im a smooth criminal
Come and catch me if you can can

Dont let the smile
Dont let the smile
Dont let the smile fool ya ya ya

Dont let the smile
Dont let the smile
Dont let the smile fool ya ya ya

Ill rig the game in the blink of an eye
Ill crack the code like a thief in the night
Dont let the smile
Dont let the smile
Dont let the smile fool ya ya ya

Nahhh nahhh nahhh

Additional information/sources for Rebel Rae – Dont Let the Smile Fool Ya

The song “Rebel Rae – Dont Let the Smile Fool Ya” is released by Rebelution

Song Sources for “Rebel Rae – Dont Let the Smile Fool Ya”:
Apple Music:

  • Willow - Instrumental - Gifts From Crows, Neoclassical music genre, Nagamag Magazine

Willow – Instrumental – Gifts From Crows

March 2nd, 2025|Audio, Neoclassical, Song, Spotify, The Latest|

“Flows brilliantly, great use of harmony, with many cinematic moments. The melody trades off with blissful lead strings and the the soft piano notes brings more depth and emotion. Key signatures is wonderful, dynamics really flow together nicely, different instruments and the progression of this wonderful piece is set so well. ”

Additional information/sources for Gifts From Crows – Willow – Instrumental

The first single from Whisper Along the Wind, a collaboration with Scottish poet Gordon MacLellan, this instrumental version blends felt piano, folk noir elements, and electronic textures. The piece reflects on nature and the ancient landscape, capturing a sense of mystery and beauty.

Song Sources for “Gifts From Crows – Willow – Instrumental”:

  • Beer on My Tramp Stamp - Cupid and the Cowboy, Rock music genre, Nagamag Magazine

Beer on My Tramp Stamp – Cupid and the Cowboy

March 2nd, 2025|Audio, Rock, Song, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|

“Rock melodies with very smooth groove makes this song full of positive vibes. Her vocal as a lead is just beautiful, it expands this song atmosphere perfectly, but with that amazing guitar lead and its smooth riffs, this song have the perfect hook within its structure. Modern rhythm structure is beyond amazing.”

Additional information/sources for Cupid and the Cowboy – Beer on My Tramp Stamp

Song Sources for “Cupid and the Cowboy – Beer on My Tramp Stamp”:

  • Young and Free - Tom Petrone, Jazz music genre, Nagamag Magazine

Young and Free – Tom Petrone

March 2nd, 2025|Audio, Jazz, Song, Spotify, The Latest|

“Η φανταστική αυτή μελωδία με τον ρομαντισμό και την εκλεπτυσμένη διάθεση της σου θυμίζει πόσο σημαντική είναι η αγάπη. Τα υπέροχα φωνητικά με την εξαίσια χροιά τους και την ευαισθησία τους σε παρασύρουν με πάθος και σε πηγαίνουν σε όμορφα, ανθισμένα και ηλιόλουστα τοπία. Ο ζωηρός και ευχάριστος ρυθμός με ένα μοναδικό τρόπο γεμίζει την ψυχή σου με ευτυχία.”

Additional information/sources for Tom Petrone – Young and Free

The song “Tom Petrone – Young and Free” is released by MP Music House

Song Sources for “Tom Petrone – Young and Free”:

  • Not Autumn - David Bluefield, Jazz music genre, Nagamag Magazine

Not Autumn – David Bluefield

March 2nd, 2025|Audio, Jazz, Song, Spotify, The Latest|

“Η υπέροχη μελωδία σε ταξιδεύει τόσο ανάλαφρα και ξέγνοιαστα. Ο απαλός και ευδιάθετος χαρακτήρας της σε κάνει να νιώθεις πως όλα τα προβλήματα έχουν εξαλειφθεί και η μαγεία της ζωής σου δίνεται έτσι απλόχερα. Με πάθος και όρεξη σε αγγίζει και νιώθεις μια απέραντη ευχαρίστηση να σε διαπερνά. Ο παιχνιδιάρικος ρυθμός σε κάνει να χαμογελάς και να απολαμβάνεις τις στιγμές σου.”

Additional information/sources for David Bluefield – Not Autumn

The song “David Bluefield – Not Autumn” is released by D’Blue Records

Song Sources for “David Bluefield – Not Autumn”:

  • Imagined Places - Paul Nourigat, Rock music genre, Nagamag Magazine

Imagined Places – Paul Nourigat

March 2nd, 2025|Audio, Rock, Song, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|

“Catchy guitar riff from the start and their vocals, their duet is just amazing, they fit together perfectly. Background guitars builds an amazing structure. Slower rhythmic structure and drums drums are perfectly matched with the songs beautiful style. Lead guitar theme is something every listener need to pay attention.”

Additional information/sources for Paul Nourigat – Imagined Places

The lead single from Paul’s upcoming album Curious Directions, this Americana rocker reflects on the journey from youth to adulthood and the dreams that carry us through life’s challenges. The song emphasizes potential and imagination, with contributions from international musicians, including backing vocals from Anna B in Paris and lead guitar by Michel’e C from Italy.

The song “Paul Nourigat – Imagined Places” is released by Independent Singer/Songwriter

Song Sources for “Paul Nourigat – Imagined Places”:
Apple Music:

  • CITY OF DREAMS - TC23, Hip Hop music genre, Nagamag Magazine


March 1st, 2025|Audio, Hip Hop, Song, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|

“Old school vibe that hit you instantly with the first sounds, this song creates wonderful world of nostalgia. Marvelous vocal is amazing as it can be, powerful crystal, great structure and dynamic. Beautiful but smooth vibe feels like a roller coaster of nostalgia that will stay in your ears long after this song is over.”

Lyrics of TC23 – CITY OF DREAMS

Soaking in the moment,

Picky cos I’m chosen

so it’s got me hopein

Yeah it’s like me

This the city of dreams

I got lost in the search of meaning

Case acquired all in don’t mean to be demeaning

Hooked by the night hoping I can fucking find the feeling

Fast love is on the cards for those hearts in need of healing

Imma take the bar an raise it like the fucking ceiling

Wired up on shards, nights draggin (dragon) Perks of fire breathing

Past too dark, I got secrets that I need too keep in

Still moving central Feel electric like the fucking heating

What’s the reason pandemonium

helps with breathing

Need to take a minute always say goodbye before I’m leaving

Don’t speak so I’m never missing what they’re teaching

Small tweaks can make the difference ease paths that need defeatin

Sights on dough though I know it isn’t what I’m Needin

Close the door to the kitchen make sure I can keep the heat in

Seeking peace in the clouds comin up not even peaking

Plans to take the earth an rock it so I’m fuckin heat seeking

Soaking in the moment,

Picky cos I’m chosen

so it’s got me hopein

Yeah it’s like me

This the city of dreams

City of dreams (yeah)

City of dreams

Get a z a week ironic I ain’t even sleeping

The pain is chronic but the breeze helps me keep the peace in

Hearts stopped so I guess the music keeps it beatin

Won’t drown in water small minds won’t even dip their feet in

Recommend an author they don’t even practice reading

Follow useless causes void of faith I know they won’t believe in

How you supposed to raise the roof if you ain’t even started beaming

Life without the moment is the same as words without a meaning

It was in the dark my eyes opened

It was through the silence ysound was found so now I’ve spoken

Poor allegiance to the crown you’re fighting for can leave you broken

Stay awake up every Night like sun light forever glowin

Huh yeah I know you’ve felt the same pain

Different place, different face but it’s the same game

Held by the same chains damage in the mainframe

We All got baggage so were flying on the same plane

Soaking in the moment,

Picky cos I’m chosen

so it’s got me hopein

Yeah it’s like me

This the city of dreams

City of dreams (yeah)

City of dreams

We’re on Different course but feeling like the same aim

Nice Porsche high horse reppin gold chains

Black tie, eyes wide Betting high stakes

Think you’re winning then realise baby that it’s all fake

Eye on cake focused lookin rich but going broke

No debate try to cope, overdosed up on the smoke

Never choke so you’d hope, the wait makes it hard to float

Changin lanes cos No one wants to be up on a sinking boat

Couple grams in my system just to help you cope

In a world full of sheep it’s hard to find the goats

Yeh I roll with them best believe we got the smoke

Grab my ice pick unhinged yeah we fucking carved the slopes

Soaking in the moment,

See the door open

Picky cos I’m chosen

This city don’t sleep so it’s got me hopein

Yeah it’s like me except the system ain’t broken

Additional information/sources for TC23 – CITY OF DREAMS

The song “TC23 – CITY OF DREAMS” is released by DECM

Song Sources for “TC23 – CITY OF DREAMS”:

  • Vanity Life (Remix by Bending Grid) - The Safety Word, Blogwave music genre, Nagamag Magazine

Vanity Life (Remix by Bending Grid) – The Safety Word

March 1st, 2025|Audio, Blogwave, Song, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|

“Ωραία μελωδία με φρεσκάδα και ζωντάνια που ανοίγει τους μουσικούς μας ορίζοντες. Τα φωνητικά με την δροσερή διάθεση τους και την ευχάριστη τοποθέτηση τους μας συναρπάζουν και μας προσφέρουν απολαυστικές στιγμές. Ο γρήγορος ρυθμός δεν σταματά να μας διασκεδάζει και να κάνει τα πάντα τριγύρω μας να μοιάζουν πιο όμορφα και μαγικά.”

Lyrics of The Safety Word – Vanity Life (Remix by Bending Grid)

Vanity life
It pushes you down
You think of a way to turn it around

I know that we are rising
I know that times are changing
I know that we are rising
To soon to fall away
I think of yesterday
As tomorrow dawns anew

Over saturated
Over complicated we are
Do we live our lives being told what to do
Or follow our heart

I know that we are rising
I know that times are changing
I know that we are rising
To soon to fall away
I think of yesterday
As tomorrow dawns anew

Everything that I think about
Innocence is our way out
Choices made we’ve lost control
Insanity rules our mind and soul
If time was to end
Would we still pretend or pray
Spirit connects us all we share our pain
Gravity is a lie it’s all a shame
Harmony is our soul balancing the rain
No more need to hurt ourselves
Let’s be friends

I know that we are rising
I know that time is changing
I know that we are rising
To soon to fall away
To soon to fall away
To soon to fall away

Additional information/sources for The Safety Word – Vanity Life (Remix by Bending Grid)

This song critiques the absurdity of social media culture, where people are celebrated for doing very little. Despite the superficiality, the track conveys an optimistic message, encouraging listeners to rise above vanity and reconnect on a deeper, more human level.

The song “The Safety Word – Vanity Life (Remix by Bending Grid)” is released by Twisted Grid Studio

Song Sources for “The Safety Word – Vanity Life (Remix by Bending Grid)”:

  • Mortal - Eyeconic, Jazz by, Hip Hop music genre, Nagamag Magazine

Mortal – Eyeconic

March 1st, 2025|Audio, Hip Hop, Jazz by, Song, Spotify, The Latest|

“Η όμορφη μυστηριακή μελωδία εξάπτει την φαντασία και μας μεταφέρει σε μια ατμόσφαιρα ξεχωριστή και απολαυστική. Τα ευκίνητα φωνητικά με τη δυναμική τους ανεβάζουν την αδρεναλίνη και μας αναστατώνουν ευχάριστα. Ο ρυθμός με την ανήσυχη αγωνία του κρατά το ενδιαφέρον μας αμείωτο από την αρχή έως το τέλος.”

Additional information/sources for Eyeconic – Mortal

The song “Eyeconic – Mortal” is released by DistroKid

Song Sources for “Eyeconic – Mortal”:

  • You Don't Own Your Swing - Rachel Goodrich, Jazz music genre, Nagamag Magazine

You Don’t Own Your Swing – Rachel Goodrich

March 1st, 2025|Audio, Jazz, Song, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|

“Η ωραία και ευχάριστη μελωδία μας ταξιδεύει πίσω στο χρόνο και μας γεμίζει νοσταλγία. Τα γλυκά και μελωδικά φωνητικά ζεσταίνουν την ψυχή μας με την χαρούμενη διάθεση τους μας κάνουν να αισθανόμαστε τόσο άνετα και αισιόδοξα. Ο εύθυμος ρυθμός πετά από πάνω μας την σκόνη της στεναχώριας και μας αφήνει να πετάξουμε ανέμελα ψηλά.”

Additional information/sources for Rachel Goodrich – You Don’t Own Your Swing

The song “Rachel Goodrich – You Don’t Own Your Swing” is released by Soul Selects Records

Song Sources for “Rachel Goodrich – You Don’t Own Your Swing”: