Paul Weinfield – A Mind Needs to Rest (Spotify)

“The new album by Paul Weinfield - Things I Should Have Told Myself a Long Time Ago dictates to us an ordinary life story about simple and understandable life values. But, as one of the songs (A Mind Neends to Rest) says, even a serene mind needs rest on such a long journey of endless search for truth.”

“Новый альбом Paul Weinfield - Things I Should Have Told Myself a Long Time Ago диктует нам обыденную историю жизни о простых и понятных жизненных ценностях. Но, как поётся в одной из песен (A Mind Neends to Rest) даже безмятежному разуму нужен отдых на таком долгом пути бесконечных поисков истины.”

"A Mind Needs To Rest" is a folk song about a breakup and about the importance of giving yourself a chance not to think about the other person.

Reviewed by Nagamag on February 2, 2021