Penny Roox – By My Side | Pop music review

Penny Roox – By My Side | Pop music review

“Новый Alt Pop трек от талантливой певицы -Penny Roox-, который очаровывает слушателей своим уникальным звучанием и эмоциональным текстом. Трек начинается с нежных и мелодичных звуков, которые создают атмосферу спокойствия и умиротворения. Голос -Penny Roox- проходит через музыку, придавая ей еще более глубокий и личный оттенок.”

Expand to read review translations *

“The new Alt Pop track from the talented singer -penny roox-, which captivates the audience with his unique sound and emotional text. The track begins with delicate and melodic sounds that create an atmosphere of calm and peace. The voice -penny roox- passes through music, giving it an even deeper and personal shade.”

“Het nieuwe alt pop -nummer van de getalenteerde zanger -penny roox-, die het publiek fascineert met zijn unieke geluid en emotionele tekst. Het nummer begint met delicate en melodieuze geluiden die een sfeer van kalmte en vrede creëren. De stem -penny roox- passeert muziek en geeft het een nog diepere en persoonlijke schaduw.”

The original review of “Penny Roox – By My Side” is written in the native language that is spoken by the dedicated, for this song, Nagamag’s Pop reviewer and followed by two translations*, of which the one depends from the country of origin of the artist “Penny Roox” (Netherlands) and the other one is translated to a different language than original review and the country of origin of the artist.

* Automatically Translated

Nagamag strongly suggests you to listen to the song “By My Side” by the remarkable “Penny Roox”. A captivating Pop music composition that upraised the difficulty for our curators to gather and write down and describe through a music review, their feelings due to their listening experience of “Penny Roox – By My Side.” The song manages to take you on a journey through the world of Alt Pop, Adult Contemporary music, offering a delightful experience for all music enthusiasts.

Listen to “Penny Roox – By My Side” on Spotify

You can listen to “Penny Roox – By My Side” through the following Spotify player.
Press play to enjoy this unique Pop song.

Lyrics of Penny Roox – By My Side

Please rewind the time
Pink wine in the summer
When you were my lover

To a time when I called you mine
Swimming in the garden
Loving you a bit harder

Every day I’ll keep you by my side
I close my eyes and try to picture you alive
The sizzling heat at this time o’ year
Makes me think of you
Think of you, my dear

I told you I would live for you
Drive you up that mountain
In the south of France

I cannot help it, but this view it makes me sad
When you were my lover
Missing you a bit harder

Every day I’ll keep you by my side
I close my eyes and try to picture you alive
Oh the sizzling heat at this time a year
Makes me think of you
Think of you, my dear

I try to keep up with this weeping broken heart
But every beat is tearing me up
I dream of waking up, we’ve never been apart
Guess I’ll wait till my time is up

Every day I’ll keep you by my side
I close my eyes and try to picture you alive
Oh the sizzling heat at this time a year
Makes me think of you
Think of you, my dear

Every day I’ll keep you by my side
I close my eyes and try to picture you alive
Oh the sizzling heat at this time a year
Makes me think of you
Think of you, my dear

Additional information/sources for Penny Roox – By My Side

The song “Penny Roox – By My Side” is released by Amber Music

Song Sources for “Penny Roox – By My Side”:

Find Penny Roox on Socials:

Website of Penny Roox:

Pop home page where “Penny Roox – By My Side” is hosted on Nagamag Music Magazine

Nagamag takes pride in supporting Pop artists like “Penny Roox”, providing music reviews and music discoveries like “By My Side”.
This music post about song “By My Side” by “Penny Roox” is hosted in Pop page on Nagamag.
There you can find similar Pop artists to “Penny Roox” and more Pop, Alt Pop, Adult Contemporary songs like “By My Side” that have been carefully selected by Nagamag’s Pop experienced curators and reviewed by Nagamag’s Pop dedicated reviewers.

Learn everything about Pop on Wikipedia

If you enjoyed “Penny Roox – By My Side” but you have never listened before to any other Pop song or you are interested in learning more about Pop music gerne then click here to visit Pop music page on Wikipedia.
Pop music refers to a distinct style with common characteristics. Each genre carries its unique sound, instruments, and cultural influences. For a deeper understanding of Pop music, Wikipedia provides comprehensive insights into its history, notable artists, and iconic works. Delve into the diverse and dynamic world of Pop music through this valuable resource, broadening your knowledge around Pop genre.

Reviewed by Nagamag on November 4, 2023

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