Perfectly Human – Perfectly Human

Perfectly Human – Perfectly Human

“Ονειρεμένες και μαγικές φωνές εισχωρούν στο μυαλό και το ταξιδεύουν ψηλά πάνω από τα βουνά. Η ψυχή πετά ανέμελη και ελεύθερη για πρώτη φορά. Τα φωνητικά διαπερνούν τις αισθήσεις και δημιουργούν απίστευτη ανάταση μέσα από την εσωτερική τους έκρηξη. Ο ρυθμός σπάει τα δεσμά και αφήνει ελεύθερες τις σκέψεις να αποφασίσουν αυτό που θέλουν.”

“Dreamy and magical voices penetrate the mind and travel high above the mountains. The soul flies carefree and free for the first time. The vocals penetrate the senses and create incredible uplift through their inner explosion. The rhythm breaks the bonds and lets the thoughts free to decide what they want.” *

“Dreamy and magical voices penetrate the mind and travel high above the mountains. The soul flies carefree and free for the first time. The vocals penetrate the senses and create incredible uplift through their inner explosion. The rhythm breaks the bonds and lets the thoughts free to decide what they want.” *

The song “Perfectly Human – Perfectly Human” is released by Cake Maker Entertainment

Track Sources for “Perfectly Human – Perfectly Human”:
Apple Music:

Reviewed by Nagamag on February 20, 2023

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