Peter Aries – Christmas (Spotify)

“Did you miss the bright colours of the past childhood? The magician -Peter Aries- decorate your mood with warm vibrations from his neoclassical work -Christmas-. The magic world of music, directly at your doorstep. Enjoy!”

“Соскучились по ярким краскам ушедшего детства? Маг и волшебник -Peter Aries- разукрасит ваше настроение тёплыми вибрациями своего неоклассического произведения -Christmas-. Волшебство в мире музыки у вашего порога. Наслаждайтесь!”

Peter Aries shared few words with us about his new release "

" The "Stories" EP is my first attempt at a purely classical themed release. The song Christmas is a tribute to my granddad who passed away in a tragic accident in 2016. It symbolizes the feelings connected to holidays (Christmas in particular) and how nothing is, or ever will be, like it was before. But the memories remains. "

Reviewed by Nagamag on April 10, 2021