Philipp Makolies – Don’t Get Lost (Video)

“Charming combination of guitar, synthesizer and the voice of -Philipp Makolies-. This explains why this track seems so unique, as if was drop down to Earth like a bright star. Wanderer, cut on your journey for a moment and listen to what Philipp sings.”

“Очаровательный симбиоз гитары, синтезатора и голоса -Philipp Makolies-. Это объясняет, почему это трек кажется таким внеземным, словно спустился на землю яркой, утренней звездой. Останови на мгновение свой путь, странник и послушай, о чём поёт -Philipp-.”

“Don’t Get Lost” is another unique song from Philipp Makolies upcoming debut album.

Starting as a classic singer-songwriter song, you are quickly drawn into a floating and atmospheric sound. In the end it is up to you whether you lose yourself, even in difficult times it is always good to remember how much strength you have and that mistakes are part of every life.

Reviewed by Nagamag on December 18, 2021