Pinkksoul – Sista

“A very positive, cheerful and energetic track performed by young, beautiful and talented -pinksoul-! Multilayer arrangement in the POP genre turns the track into a stream of forced fun and pleasure!” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Очень позитивный, весёлый и энергичный трек в исполнении молодых, красивых и талантливых -Pinkksoul-! Многослойная аранжировка в жанре Pop превращает трек в поток форсированного веселья и удовольствия!”

Sista is the first release from the German girl duo Pinkksoul and the highly talented producer team The song is kind of a hymn for power women, power girls and anybody who loves energetic pop with some soul elements. The main topics are empowerment, happiness & female friendship. A great tune for summer ’22!

Reviewed by Nagamag on July 18, 2022

Categories: Pop, The Latest, VideoTags: