Piotr Wiese – The Fallen Bridge II (Spotify)
“Old wooden boat floating in the morning silent lake. White clouds climb from thick fog and go into the distance, thawing on the burning line of the horizon. Beautiful piano miniature, so carefully melancholic, narrates its humble and very beautiful story.”
“Старый, обветшалый причал, скрип досок которого будет по утрам безмолвное озеро. От густого тумана поднимаются белые облака и уходят вдаль, тая на обжигающей линии горизонта. Прекрасная фортепианная миниатюра, которая так бережно и меланхолично повествует свою скромную и очень красивую историю.”
The Fallen Bridge II is the title track from The Fallen Bridges - Piotr 's full length album, that tells the story of two people whose souls were once connected. It will be released this fall by Swedish label 1631 Recordings, and distributed by Decca Records/Universal Music Group. Music was recorded in Piotr Wiese 's home-studio.
Reviewed by Nagamag on October 26, 2021