POLSKY – Song for the Silver Surfer

“Την υπέροχη θλιμμένη μελωδία την διαδέχεται μια ελπιδοφόρα νότα αισιοδοξίας και ένα μήνυμα εμψυχωτικό. Τα φωνητικά με τις εκπληκτικές δυνατότητες τους μας μεταφέρουν τα συναισθήματα με τον ανεπανάληπτο ροκ χαρακτήρα τους. Ο ρυθμός δίνει συνέχεια στα όνειρα μας και μας θυμίζει ότι τίποτα δεν τελειώνει εδώ. ”
“The wonderful sad melody is succeeded by a promising note of optimism and an animated message. The vocals with their amazing abilities convey our emotions with their unique rock character. The rhythm continues to our dreams and reminds us that nothing ends here.” *
“The wonderful sad melody is succeeded by a promising note of optimism and an animated message. The vocals with their amazing abilities convey our emotions with their unique rock character. The rhythm continues to our dreams and reminds us that nothing ends here.” *
The song “POLSKY – Song for the Silver Surfer” is released by Disruptive Element Music
Song Sources for “POLSKY – Song for the Silver Surfer”:
Spotify: open.spotify.com/track/6RbisEdnXrVMNIdFlWCGCo
Youtube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RxFeWs8Huc
Find POLSKY on Socials:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/polskymusic/
Reviewed by Nagamag on March 7, 2023