Proof I Exist – Hard to Believe

“The melodic Indie Rock, whose instrumental passages are beautifully woven into the overall structure of the song. Cuts and priests are clearly heard here and all together creates a very soft, relaxed and warm sound.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Мелодичный Indie Rock, чьи инструментальные пассажи красиво вплетены в общую структуру песни. Здесь отчётливо слышны куплеты и припевы и всё вместе это создаёт очень мягкое, расслабленное и тёплое звучание.”

"Hard to Believe" is the first track on the upcoming EP, White Picket Fences by Proof I Exist, a one-man band from Cleveland, Ohio. Follow the link below for a private listen of all 4 songs on this release. We hope that you will consider sharing this song or writing a review of the full album. See the artist bio below for more info on Proof I Exist. Thank you!

Reviewed by Nagamag on August 6, 2022