Rivita – NaJiuBaoBaoWo (Spotify)
“The vocals in this Lo-Fi track stand as a main characteristic. Unusual and advanced vocal techniques, that catch your attention and can create an instant hypnotic effect!”
“Однозначно — вокал в этом lo-fi треке его главная фишка. Необычные и очень запоминающиеся вокальные приёмы, ощущается красивый, опьяняющий вайб, который укачивает и фокусирует всё ваше внимание на себе. Мгновенный гипнотический эффект!”
Rivita to release new song 那Nà就Jiù抱Bào抱Bào我Wǒ on January 28th 2022 for the celebration of Chinese New Year.
Rivita shared “When I first wrote this song it was called “Safe Safe”. While producing the song, I played it to my friend who is Chinese and we somehow ended up translating it and the lyrics became 那就抱抱我 (Nà jiù bào bào wǒ) which means “hug me” which is exactly what I was going for! For many years, I thought about what is the meaning of love and with this song, I think I’ve finally found the answer!”
Rivita visited China in 2016 with her parents and has been inspired by the country ever since; it was a dream come true to make a song with lyrics in Mandarin for her.
Bass was played by Paul Tornbohm who was Rivita’s classmate in London while she pursued a Masters in Composition, the song was mastered at Lurssen studio in Los Angeles by Reuben Cohen. The song was produced and mixed by Rivita herself, and the Artwork was created by Chinese artist Chang William Wang.
Reviewed by Nagamag on February 5, 2022