Rod Coote – New England

“The atmosphere of Indie Folk has so has a true spirit of patriotism and love for its country in the song. U -ROD COOTE is a unique vocal timbre, saturated with warmth and charisma. This is instantly transmitted to his listeners, for which the author can only be thanked and subscribe to all his social sources. (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Атмосфера Indie Folk так и располагает к себе, в песне ощущается истинный дух патриотизма и любовь к своей стране. У -Rod Coote- уникальный вокальный тембр, насыщенный теплотой и харизмой. Это мгновенно передаётся его слушателям, за что автора можно только поблагодарить и подписаться на все его социальные источники.”

Artist said about this song:

"What’s the closest to time travel? For me, probably music and childhood places. Growing up in New England, the song is a memory and anthem at once. I spent much of my youth there, exploring the wilderness of the Australian countryside both in lonesome & with friends, that I wanted to capture and share those experiences. Produced by Garrett Kato in Pete Murray’s studio. It's the final song of my new EP. It invites you to lay back, relax & unwind to the melody of my home New England."

Reviewed by Nagamag on May 31, 2022