Rodrigo Rodriguez – If I Adore You (Ambient Future Garage & Shakuhachi) (Spotify)

“Floating, literally woolen on the banks of rivers structure and peculiar genre Future Garage minimalism, signifies us with such a chic work, as -If I Adore You (Ambient Future Garage & Shakuhachi) -. Calm, gentle motive, atmospheric lo-fi elements and spiritual ethnic instruments.”

“Плавная, словно волны на берегу реки структура и свойственный жанру Future Garage минимализм, знакомит нас с такой шикарной работой, как -If I Adore You (Ambient Future Garage & Shakuhachi)-. Спокойный, нежнейший мотив, атмосферные lo-fi элементы и духовые этнические инструменты.”

Ambient Future Garage & Shakuhachi Traditional flute from Japan

International known Shakuhachi player, composer and musical producer born in 1978 Argentina, but grew up in Spain. His music is classified as Ambient, New Age music or World Music.

He studied classical and traditional Japanese music with the renowned master of shakuhachi Miyata Kohachiro in Tokyo and in the International Shakuhachi Kenshu-kan School.

Reviewed by Nagamag on March 5, 2021