Roman Nagel – Mireya
“If there is a dance on the ice, then why cannot there be a dance of the soul, in which the piano melody entered the lake like a white swan. Charm and love in every note played, feelings that pour over the edge and drip with warm tears right under the feet.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)
“Если существует танец на льду, то почему не может существовать танца души, в которую словно белый лебедь в озеро вошла мелодия фортепиано. Очарование и любовь в каждой сыгранной ноте, чувства, которые льются через край и капают тёплыми слезами прямо под ноги.”
Artist said about this song:
"This single is dedicated to my beloved and wonderful ex-girlfriend Mireya. She motivated me to write this track. Even though things went wrong back then, there is a bright gratitude in me when I remember our time. We should always cherish people we once loved. "
Reviewed by Nagamag on July 12, 2022