Sam Hudgens – Limit

“Любой из вечеров прекрасно скрасит очаровательная мелодия Indie R&B и Bedroom, а мягкий и загадочный вокал -Sam Hudgens- приумножит ваше настроение в сотни раз. Отличная музыка, которая послужит вам успокоительным на ежедневной основе.”
“Any of the evenings will perfectly brighten up the charming melody Indie R&B and Bedroom, and the soft and mysterious vocals -sam Hudgens will increase your mood hundreds of times. Great music that will serve you as a sedative on a daily basis.” (Automatically Translated)
This song released by: Opposite Thought Records
Track Sources:
Artist’s Socials:
Reviewed by Nagamag on December 17, 2022