Samuel Joson – Queen (Spotify)

“Parts of live instrumentation create a unique sound that has the best of jazz music. In -Queen- we find a rather diverse rhythm section that shifts into a single sound palette; Pulsation of deep bass, soft ringing percussion and rich vocals.”

“Партии живых инструментов создают неповторимое звучание, которое впитало в себя лучшее из джазовой музыки. В -Queen- довольно разнообразная ритм-секция, которая переливается в единую палитру звуков; пульсации глубоких басов, мягкий звон перкуссии и насыщенный вокал.”

"Queen" is an infectious song with clever lyrics and catchy melodies that will get stuck in your head. A love song for those who don't believe in love. This tune is a chill vibey song that you could listen to over and over again.

Samuel Joson is a Filipino-American artist based in Minneapolis. He creates music that blends together new school pop with hints of the old school R&B and nostalgic classic rock he grew up listening to. Musically he is influenced by Queen, Stevie Wonder, and Bruno Mars.

Reviewed by Nagamag on August 16, 2021