Samuel Musi – Cherry Blossom (Spotify)
“Faint light, slightly open curtains and smell of fresh coffee. These associations appear in mind when you immerse in this composition. Peace, harmony and bliss for all lovers of Neoclassic sound!”
“Приглушённый свет, слегка приоткрытые шторы и запах свежесваренного кофе. Именно такие ассоциации рождаются, когда погружаешься в эту композицию. Спокойствие, гармония и блаженство. Всем ценителям и любителям неоклассики — в коллекцию!”
Artist shared few words about this song with our magazine:
"A piano composition I wrote during the first lockdown, dreaming of travelling abroad whilst looking out at gloomy winter weather and feeling sad and unfree, entrapped, the song is simultaneously a reach for freedom and a sad expression of loneliness." Samuel Musi
Reviewed by Nagamag on February 2, 2022