Sawyer Fredericks – Days Go By (Spotify)

“A perfect example of true Folk sound. The atmosphere is simply amazing in its warmth and comfort. Calm, slow melody and vocals which stick in memory, as if leaves falling from a tree. The music you need to listen and let it pass through yourself like an electric charge.”

“Идеальный пример истинного фолк звучания. Атмосфера просто поражает своей теплотой и уютом. Спокойная, медленная, комфортная мелодия и вокал притягивают к себе и оседают в памяти, словно падающими с деревьев листьями, на долгое время. Музыку, которую нужно понять и пропустить через себя словно электрический заряд.”

Written and produced by Fredericks, Flowers For You was recorded fully to analog tape at Dreamland Recording Studio in Woodstock, NY with his band Gannon Ferrell on bass guitar, Chris Thomas on drums and Jerome Goosman on guitar. Special guests Katie Larson and Sav Buist of The Accidentals contributed strings to “Lies You Tell” and “Days Go By”.

Reviewed by Nagamag on January 12, 2022