Setting Sun – Cool

“Με το ζωηρό και κεφάτο ρυθμό νιώθουμε την ενέργεια μας να ανεβαίνει και η χαρά να βρίσκει ξανά τη θέση της μέσα μας. Τα φωνητικά με τον επιδέξιο και διακριτικό χαρακτήρα τους μας αγκαλιάζουν ζεστά και μας δίνουν ελπίδα πως όλα θα πάνε καλά. Η υπέροχη μελωδία είναι το κατάλληλο τονωτικό μας και γίνεται η μέρα μας πιο όμορφη.”
“With the vibrant and cheerful pace we feel our energy going up and the joy of finding its place within us again. The vocals with their skillful and discreet character embrace us warmly and give us hope that everything will go well. The wonderful melody is our right tonic and becomes our day more beautiful.” *
“With the vibrant and cheerful pace we feel our energy going up and the joy of finding its place within us again. The vocals with their skillful and discreet character embrace us warmly and give us hope that everything will go well. The wonderful melody is our right tonic and becomes our day more beautiful.” *
The song “Setting Sun – Cool” is released by Young Love Records
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Reviewed by Nagamag on March 31, 2023