Shigar – Music (Official Live Performance)

Shigar – Music (Official Live Performance)

“Crystal vocal, beautifully sang and dreamy piano themes in the background creates emotional roller coaster of emotions. Depth of the song is captured with smooth harmonic transitions and arrangement that brings every story telling moment at the right time. Production, effects, everything is done with perfection to detail. ”

“Το κρυσταλλικό φωνητικό, το όμορφα τραγούδησε και τα ονειρικά θέματα πιάνου στο παρασκήνιο δημιουργεί συναισθηματική περιπέτεια των συναισθημάτων. Το βάθος του τραγουδιού καταγράφεται με ομαλές αρμονικές μεταβάσεις και ρύθμιση που φέρνει κάθε ιστορία που λέει τη στιγμή την κατάλληλη στιγμή. Η παραγωγή, τα αποτελέσματα, τα πάντα γίνονται με την τελειότητα στη λεπτομέρεια.” *

“Los temas de piano de cristal, bellamente cantado y soñador en el fondo crean una montaña rusa emocional de emociones. La profundidad de la canción se captura con transiciones y arreglos armónicos suaves que trae cada momento de narración de historias en el momento adecuado. Producción, efectos, todo se hace con la perfección a los detalles.” *

Multi-instrumentalists Shigar is a ‘one-man show’ independent artist, who creates his music by himself from scratch and showcases his musicianship playing the piano, trumpet, synth, drums, electric guitar and more.

Shigar’s style is influenced a lot from his experience as an orchestra and jazz band member from his early years as a child and adolescent. He creates original music that doesn’t fall into a specific genre, his music incorporates sounds from multiple genres such as rock, classic, blues, jazz, soul, cinematic, experimental, and more.

Most of his songs were born from a glimpse of inspiration, by just sitting on the keys and improvising the entire track, lyrics, melody, and chord progression. He feels he makes his most authentic music that way, and that probably defines his music the best.

Reviewed by Nagamag on April 23, 2023

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