Silent Nancy – Inside Voices (Spotify)
“-Inside Voices- draws in the imagination of great stylistic visual images, helping to focus on the music, which can deliver the drive and energy directly into your fiery heart.”
“-Inside Voices- рисует в воображение прекрасные визуальные стилистические образы, помогая концентрироваться на музыке, которая может доставить драйв и энергию прямо в ваши раскалённые сердца.”
Sit down, be quiet! Above all, the school system ensures that the citizens of society are educated to a homogeneous mass. There are benefits to the system but does a monologue from a textbook develop thinking individuals in the classroom? Anyone who questions prevailing norms risks being classified as messy and deviant. Silent Nancy will never keep quiet, the second single from this duo offers cool reggae, Katie Burke's fantastic voice, some soul, hip hop and a lot of joy!
Reviewed by Nagamag on May 23, 2021