Skinny Dippers – Home

“Each of us has our own house, in which we feel organically, naturally, and most importantly - calmly. And when there are similar tracks in the world, like the new single from -Skinny Dippers-, even being from the ground at a distance of hundreds of thousands of miles, you will feel at home.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“У каждого из нас свой дом, в котором мы чувствуем себя органично, естественно, а главное — спокойно. И когда в мире есть подобные треки, как новый сингл от -Skinny Dippers-, то даже находясь от земли на расстоянии сотни тысяч миль ты будешь чувствовать себя как дома.”

Home is a song about packing your things and leaving it all behind, but looking back fondly while realizing you might never have it so good again. The track blends the breezy beachy coastal feel of Maine with the energetic heartbeat of Brooklyn, and was written as an ode to childhood friends, lost loves, and a carefree time that seems further in the rearview mirror with each passing year.

Reviewed by Nagamag on June 26, 2022