Sofi Gev – Someday, Maybe

“The charming melody of the piano, the lonely cry of the cello and the voice -sofi gev-. This is all that will accompany you throughout the composition, awakening sincere feelings and emotions within you. Good and radiant Indie Folk in a beautiful performance.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Очаровательная мелодия фортепиано, одинокий плачь виолончели и голос -Sofi Gev-. Это всё, что будет вас сопровождать на протяжении всей композиции, пробуждая внутри вас искренние чувства и эмоции. Добрый и лучезарный Indie Folk в красивом исполнении.”

Someday, Maybe is an exploration of my worst fear - losing a loved one. I think it might feel like the ground disappearing under your feet. You’re suspended in freefall, looking for a safe landing that never comes. A dusty hollowness permeates your house, so you step outside desperate for some fresh air, but the feeling follows you like a headache. Not knowing what happens after death, you wonder if you might hear from them again somehow, but you also feel ridiculous doing so. The worst kind of isolation.

Reviewed by Nagamag on August 30, 2022