Solo – Osmi

Solo – Osmi

“Мощный рок-трек, который сразу погружает в атмосферу энергетики и эмоций! Вокалист выделяется своими мощными и насыщенными вокальными данными. Его голос прекрасно сочетается с тяжёлыми гитарными партиями, добавляя драматизм и глубину песне. Виртуозные соло, наполненные техникой и страстью, подчеркивают мастерство гитариста. Барабаны и бас-линия придают композиции основу и глубину, идеально дополняя общий звуковой ландшафт.”

Expand to read review translations *

“A powerful rock track that immediately immerses you in an atmosphere of energy and emotion! The vocalist stands out for his powerful and rich vocal abilities. His voice blends perfectly with the heavy guitar parts, adding drama and depth to the song. Masterly solos, filled with technique and passion, highlight the guitarist’s skill. The drums and bass line give the composition foundation and depth, perfectly complementing the overall soundscape.”

“¡Una poderosa pista de rock que te sumerge inmediatamente en una atmósfera de energía y emoción! El vocalista destaca por sus poderosas y ricas habilidades vocales. Su voz combina perfectamente con las partes pesadas de la guitarra, añadiendo dramatismo y profundidad a la canción. Solos magistrales, llenos de técnica y pasión, resaltan la habilidad del guitarrista. La batería y la línea de bajo dan base y profundidad a la composición, complementando perfectamente el paisaje sonoro general.”

The original review of “Osmi – Solo” is written in the native language that is spoken by the dedicated, for this song, Nagamag’s Rock reviewer and followed by two translations*, of which the one depends from the country of origin of the artist “Osmi” (Mexico) and the other one is translated to a different language than original review and the country of origin of the artist.

* Automatically Translated

Nagamag discovered a musical masterpiece entitled “Solo” crafted by the gifted artist of “Osmi”. This Rock composition, has resonated deeply with our curators as they embarked on an immersive listening journey with “Osmi – Solo”. The song as well offers an intriguing exploration of Indie Rock, Alternative Rock, Latin Rock music. Nagamag, as an international music magazine, is pleased to share with you this music review, lovingly written by one of our experienced reviewers of Rock compositions. A successful result of our mission to continually discover and review captivating Rock songs from all corners of the globe, to the global audience of Rock music enthusiasts!

Listen to “Osmi – Solo” on Spotify

You can listen to “Osmi – Solo” through the following Spotify player.
Press play to enjoy this unique Rock song.

Lyrics of Osmi – Solo

No es que me encante no tener a nadie,
No es que yo quiera estar sin ti,
Pero es la única forma,
De poder cuidar de mí
Ciego el amor no es siempre lo que esperas
Y es que a veces tráe caducidad
Pero cuando es costumbre, se vuelve necedad

Me siento tan perdido,
Por dentro estoy vacío,
Nadie a quien llamar

Solo estoy,
Solo me iré,
Solo voy,
Solo llegué,
Y me quedé,
Y me quedé,
Y me quedé

Pero vaya hipocresía que ahora llores por mi muerte,
Sí conmigo no estuviste y me dejaste en soledad,
Tú veías como estaba y me dejabas a mi suerte,
Con tu miedo de acercarte y conocerme de verdad,

Solo estoy,
Solo me iré,
Solo voy,
Solo llegué,
Y me quedé,

Solo estoy,
Solo me iré,
Solo voy,
Solo llegué,
Y me quedé,
Y me quedé,
Y me quedé

Additional information/sources for Osmi – Solo

Rock home page where “Osmi – Solo” is hosted on Nagamag Music Magazine

Nagamag takes pride in supporting Rock artists like “Osmi”, providing music reviews and music discoveries like “Solo”.
This music post about song “Solo” by “Osmi” is hosted in Rock page on Nagamag.
There you can find similar Rock artists to “Osmi” and more Rock, Indie Rock, Alternative Rock, Latin Rock songs like “Solo” that have been carefully selected by Nagamag’s Rock experienced curators and reviewed by Nagamag’s Rock dedicated reviewers.

Learn everything about Rock on Wikipedia

If you enjoyed “Osmi – Solo” but you have never listened before to any other Rock song or you are interested in learning more about Rock music gerne then click here to visit Rock music page on Wikipedia.
Rock music refers to a distinct style with common characteristics. Each genre carries its unique sound, instruments, and cultural influences. For a deeper understanding of Rock music, Wikipedia provides comprehensive insights into its history, notable artists, and iconic works. Delve into the diverse and dynamic world of Rock music through this valuable resource, broadening your knowledge around Rock genre.

Reviewed by Nagamag on September 5, 2024

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