STEP1 – Rainfall

“Can't get enough of new hip hop releases that sound so old school, from beats, music, vocals, even arrangements have significant similarities. Love the beat, vocals, so good, reminded of Warren G style of rapping, even the mood of the song have it, just great. ”

"Rainfall" is the third track on STEP1's upcoming album, Right Back - A solemn Soul-Rap chant about the power of admitting when you're not okay, it argues that projecting strength in moments of vulnerability washes away the trust and support drawn from genuine honesty and humility. In a moment of anguish and self-doubt, STEP1 explores themes seldom touched in Hip-hop, including addiction, bullying, gaslighting, body dysmorphia, and derealization.

"I ain't been okay y'all
Walls don't stop the rainfall
In love with who I made wrong
Broken but remain strong"

Right Back is a letter to and from a past in peril. Two voices at different junctures of an embattled search for inner peace find themselves lost in the same floodplain of regret. Only in the desolate stillness of reclusion do they reunify and link their paths in hope, love, and shared purpose.

Part of growing up is embracing the chaos of finding yourself - learning that failure and the need to lean on others do not necessitate self-loathing. The reciprocity of choices and their impact matters, but relentless score-keeping erodes the deeper self-respect that enables growth and camaraderie.

On their second studio album, STEP1 challenges the value of going it alone and asserts that a quiet mind pales in comparison to an open heart.

Track Sources:

Reviewed by Nagamag on October 4, 2022