Subshine – Chelsea

“The internal energy emanating from the melody is impressive, so lively, juicy and voluminous. Excellent work from the Indie POP project -subshine-, in it, musical matter itself acquires new sounds, which were so difficult synthesized by the author. The conclusion is a great job and a real standard of your genre!” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Впечатляет внутренняя энергия, исходящая от мелодии, такая живая, сочная и объёмная. Прекрасная работа от Indie Pop проекта -Subshine-, в нём сама музыкальная материя приобретает новые звуки, которые с таким трудом были синтезированы автором. Вывод — отличная работа и настоящий эталон своего жанра!”

Subshine expands, Chelsea is a magnificent, atmospheric and convincing track from the renowned pop artist. Where other artists soften up throughout their careers, Ole Gunnar Gundersen has chosen to go in a slightly different direction. This is attitude and lots of punch. A dark modern powerballade, with pounding 808’s and stacked distortion guitars. Raw and honest lyrics about keeping a straight face while hurting.

Reviewed by Nagamag on July 1, 2022