Tetel Di Babuya – For One Man Only – Meet Tetel
“Fascinating and intoxicating music for people with exceptional taste who love to enjoy every note. Lonely violin cry, light rhythm and exciting lyrics. "Tetel Di Babuya" knows exactly how to raise your body temperature with her charming voice. ”
“Цепляющая и опьяняющая музыка для людей с исключительным вкусом, которые любят смаковать каждую ноту. Одинокий плачь скрипки, лёгкая ритм-секция и возбуждающий голос -Tetel Di Babuya-. Она точно знает, как поднять температуру тела с помощью своего обворожительного вокала. ”
Singer, Songwriter and violinist Tetel said "This is a folk inspired love song. Guess who I’m writing and singing about? Right you are, my friends. My husband is a very patient man." She continued "I just realized that we had a complete misunderstanding." She wrote a song that was completely opposite to the feelings she really had at that moment. As she started saying these nice things, she came up with the thought how can I feel love for a person who treats me like this, which is why she thought about being spellbound by him. She just wants to make things right again.
Reviewed by Nagamag on March 13, 2022