The Balmer Series – Reunion (Spotify)
“Imagine a small pond with rays of sunlight reflecting on the crystal clear water. Then make a paper boat and let it travel across the peaceful current. This is the exact view that such music can create and the feelings from its listening could be indescribable.”
The Balmer Series was born on a remote island in a private universe where a woman whose earth name is "Elisabeth Balmer" could only exist as an orb of light with the ability to perceive all creative possibilities. There she reunited with a faceless, fantastical humanoid who represented all she loved about being an orb of light: a ceaseless ability to explore her vast innermost realms and soar to the highest peaks, the same places where dreams are made. Upon return to her mortal body she was able to reproduce the scenes from which she came through sound, and express her love for the faceless humanoid who infinitely supports her continued journey through the cosmos.
Reviewed by Nagamag on May 25, 2021