Time – Samantha Rae

“Закат окрашивает небо в багряные и золотистые тона, легкий ветерок шелестит листьями старого дуба, а где-то вдалеке мерно плещется море. Именно такую картину рисует в воображении эта мелодичная, почти невесомая акустическая композиция. Гипнотический голос Саманты, словно струйка дыма, вьется вокруг мелодической линии, то ласково обволакивая слушателя, то взмывая к небесам в припеве, словно птица.”
Lyrics of Samantha Rae – Time
No time wasted anymore
Won’t lose another day
Quit the lies you told yourself before
Once unthinkable to say
You get what you get
You seek what you find
But never regret
Your life
Listen to what you’re prayin’ for
Cause we’re not here for long
Cast a line and bring yourself ashore
Tie yourself where you belong
You get what you get
You seek what you find
But never regret
Your life
Time, I’m gonna miss you when you go
Life’s not eternity
I’ve learned enough to know
It turns with uncertainty
No time wasted anymore
Don’t lose another day
Hold the ones you think you need to more
Let ’em hear you say
You get what you get
You seek you may never find
But don’t you regret
Your life
Time, I’m gonna miss you when you go
There’s not enough time
Life’s not eternity
Oh i know
I’ve learned enough to know
I’m gonna miss you
It turns with uncertainty
Don’t ya know, don’t ya know, if you look you’ll find it deep inside
Oh Time
Additional information/sources for Samantha Rae – Time
The song “Samantha Rae – Time” is released by Gunner Harvey Music Group
Song Sources for “Samantha Rae – Time”:
Spotify: open.spotify.com/track/18sX82hjlqq0XdZAGSbsVx
Youtube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhPnhbUuvYI
Reviewed by Nagamag on November 5, 2024