Vera Vinter x Hanna Ekström – Drööman

“Music came to us from other worlds to help to realize our nature and gain freedom from iron shackles on our wrists. An incredible, atmospheric representation in which the instrumental indie folk melody and extraterrestrial voice draw mystical worlds in our subconscious.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Музыка пришедшая к нам из других миров, чтобы помочь осознать свою природу и обрести свободу от железных оков на наших запястьях. Невероятное, атмосферное представление, в котором инструментальная Indie Folk мелодия и внеземной голос рисуют мистические миры в нашем подсознании.”

Drööman is the second single from artist Vera Vinter and violinist Hanna Ekström's upcoming full-length album. A song that breathes Nordic folk tone with lyrics in extinct dialect in Kalixmål.

The idea for the song comes from an audio recording that the artists stumbled upon doing research about traditional folk music meeting “Vevgrammofonstämman” in Norn, Dalarna. On the recording you can hear an old man speaking about lost dreams and chances he never took. The song is an homage to sawmills, farming communities, forestry and mining places around the world.

The gentle mixture of field recordings, warm voice, acoustic guitar, samples and fate-saturated Mono / Poly, symbolizes a call to listen inwards.The lyrics in extinct dialect Kalixmål gives the words a secret character that makes the music free to experience in one's own inner rhythm.

Reviewed by Nagamag on July 23, 2022