WE ARE AVA – You Unfollowed Me (Spotify)

“This stand among the creations with a high level of composing skill. Starting with slow emotion, gradual growth of feelings and finallythe explosion! Sometimes music easily raise our body temperature, causing a storm of emotions!”

“Почётное место среди творений с высоким уровнем мастерства и масштабностью композиторского взгляда. Медленный накал эмоций, постепенное нарастание чувств и после взрыв! О, да, иногда музыка с лёгкостью поднимает температуру по всему телу и вызывает бурю эмоций!”


This is one of the focus tracks of WE ARE AVA's debut album INNER GARDENING. Enveloped in a dreamy, multi-layered soundscape, the album track sings about the numbness and emptiness after a painful breakup with a touch of humor but an even greater amount of brutal honesty. «I saw that you unfollowed me on Instagram. Didn't think that you would for real. I know that's what people do when they break up. But man, this shit hurts like hell.» When what just can't be let go needs to be said again: «You told me that you’ll try to do much better, told me you won’t quit when it gets hard. You told me you were more in love than ever. I can’t believe we ruined something this good.»


Reviewed by Nagamag on September 30, 2021