Young Shadow – Just

“Nonquisite notes of the acoustic indie folk, which draw invisible vibrations of positive music in the air. An excellent presentation, a good combination of a leading and backing vocal, the melody of the guitar smoothly enters your heart and remains there forever!” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Приятные на слух ноты акустического Indie Folk, которые рисуют в воздухе невидимые вибрации позитивной музыки. Отличная подача, хорошее сочетание лидирующего и бэк-вокала, мелодия гитары плавно входит в ваше сердце и остаётся там навсегда!”

Indie-folk artist, Young Shadow, has slotted the release of her new single—“Just—to launch on all platforms on August 12th, 2022. This Americana banger is is a salve on the soul for anyone who has experienced heartbreak and is afraid to love again. Lush female/male vocal harmonies, alternating time signatures, and acoustic guitar ran through unconventional effects give this song it’s unique characteristics. The artist has spent a year developing new songs and music videos at Elevated Music Studios and Life On Mars Entertainment Studio in Nashville and now the artist is gearing up for a series of releases in 2022.

Reviewed by Nagamag on August 27, 2022